Clémence Altmeyerhenzien


Clémence Altmeyerhenzien

By Hunter Weakly

     Clémence Altmeyerhenzien is not your average student you see walking the halls in Lee’s Summit High School, She is from France. Even though she is only visiting America she can tell that America is very different from France. One main difference from France and America she noticed is their education. ¨We have to take language classes and are required at grade 6 to study english and then from 8 we have to pick a new language: Spanish, German, or Italian.¨  she went to say that basic student who takes english studies for 3 hours out of school a week! Another notable difference is that her school doesn’t provide extra curricular classes, you have to pay for it. ¨We don’t have extracurricular activities, if you want to dance/theatre you have to pay for after school classes¨ says Clémence. Although buying some extracurricular classes aren’t unheard of at Lee’s Summit High School, it’s more ¨find and buy in France.¨

Clémence Altmeyerhenzien is an exceptional student because she is  enrolled in special extracurricular classes , one of which allowed her to come to visit America. Clémence also would spend about 12 hours every week studying English. Even though she is a very hardworking student she still enjoys  normal things such as music and also loves to dance.

Clemence still remembers the first time she came to America. ¨Everything’s bigger in America, the first time when I went to NY l went to the city and saw skyscrapers and that was amazing.¨ She also mentioned visiting places in America on vacations with her family.  Something else she realized during her time in America is that people are generally more nice here. An example she told me was that when people come from a different country to visit France most students would most likely ignore you and in America they are nicer to you. This goes to show that even a visitor can share a great story!

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Jared Newell is the Assistant News Director for Tiger Broadcast at LSHS.