Saving for the Holidays


    Saving for the holidays!

    By Prosperity Roddy

    As the holiday season is among us, we all want to buy the perfect gifts for the special people in our lives, however that requires one thing. Money.

    This article will hopefully help young teens save up for the things they want and need this holiday season. No more begging your parents for money any longer!

    Tip 1: Take advantage of every opportunity to make money!

    • The best option would be to get a job. The age to begin working is 16, although some places will hire people who are as young as 14.

    Tip 2: Take advantage of every opportunity to SAVE money!

    • Instead of going out to buy fast food, make your own food at home. It’s cheaper and healthier anyways. Also pick out activities to do with your friends that doesn’t cost a lot of money. Find ways to do things without spending a ton of money.

    Tip 3: Have your friends save money with you

    • If your friends are saving money then it will easier for you to save money as well.

    Tip 4:  Ask your parents if they will give you extra money for doing extra chores

    • Keep your room clean, offer to wash dishes whenever possible, sweep the floors or anything that will possibly get you the extra cash you need!

    Tip 5

    • And finally, shop the sales racks this holiday season! Keep in mind that places such as TJ maxx has clothes from top brand names and sales them at a affordable price. Thrift stores are also good for finding neat items as well.

    I hope this article gives teens ideas for saving this holiday season. Sometimes the best way to save money is to just start! Thanks for reading.

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    Jared Newell is the Assistant News Director for Tiger Broadcast at LSHS.